Animal Assisted Therapy


Animal Assisted Interventions refer to a diverse group of activities that involve guided interactions between humans and trained therapy animals. Often called "pet therapy", this service is provided in a variety of settings, like hospitals, schools, nursing facilities, and libraries.


When it comes to healthcare, we know that patients undergoing uncomfortable medical procedures report less pain and anxiety in the presence of a pet therapy animal, along with reduced stress. The interventions include activities like petting the animal, talking to the animal, and watching the animal do tricks. Therapy animals' calming presence facilitates positive interactions, which helps patients to look forward to visits and better follow through with those appointments.


One way in which we believe pet therapy works is through changes in a brain neurotransmitter called oxytocin. Referred to as the "cuddle hormone", elevated oxytocin promotes a feeling of well being and connectedness. Our furry friends can do a lot for those with behavioral health challenges, and a therapy animal can be an important addition to their treatment team.


Contact Us

Animal Assisted Intervention is just one of the many therapeutic techniques utilized at Amber Lantern. For more information on our San Antonio based behavioral health recovery programs please contact us today.


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