What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder San Antonio

Biplolar Disorder is a behavior health condition characterized by depression or sadness at times and by mania or excitability at others. Times of depression are called depressive episodes and times of mania are called manic episodes.

Depressive Episodes

Depressive episodes happen when individuals have a period of time lasting at least 2 weeks when they feel very sad or depressed or when they are unable to enjoy things that used to give them pleasure.  People with depression often have guilt, low self-esteem and thoughts that life may not be worth living.  They may have trouble concentrating and may have difficulty sleeping or sleep too much. 

Bipolar treatment san antonio

Manic Episodes

Manic episodes are characterized by feeling abnormally high or happy as if a person is on drugs but has not taken anything.  Speech is often fast and people in a manic episode can be difficult to interrupt.  A person in a manic episode may say that they feel wonderful and have idea after idea very rapidly. They may start many activities and be more social. They may get into unsafe situations such as driving too fast, spending too much money or being involved in unsafe sexual encounters. Someone in a manic state may keep going for many hours on very little sleep. 

Treating Bipolar Disorder

A person is said to have bipolar disorder when the vacillate between depressive and manic episodes; and may have periods of normal mood in between.  If you think that you or a family member might have bipolar disorder, remember this condition is treatable. Individuals with bipolar disorder can lead productive happy lives with the right combination of medication and psychosocial treatment. To learn more about bipolar disorder and how Amber Lantern’s programs can help please contact us.

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About Amber Lantern

Amber Lantern is dedicated to helping people living with serious mental health issues live more independent and fulfilling lives. We operate a network of residential treatment communities in the San Antonio and the greater Bexar County area.


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