Token Economy and Behavioral Health


What is a Token Economy?

A token economy is a system used usually in residential communities to help residents develop routines of health behaviors. In a token economy behaviors that are helpful for a person to increase their independent living skills are rewarded with tokens (poker chips, tickets etc.). At the end of the week these tokens can be exchanged for money or goods (snacks, clothing, personal items).


A token system also makes individuals aware of important behavioral expectations. By rewarding behaviors such as taking showers and helping others, the behaviors are more likely to occur. In time, natural rewards such as being praised by others or feeling a sense of accomplishment for their activities can often take over for tokens. Token economies have been known for many years to help individuals with independent living skills.

Contact Amber Lantern

These systems are applied in many Amber Lantern Communities, to learn more about the Token economy and other advanced therapy methods please contact our team.


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