Depression Treatment in San Antonio

The signs of a depressive episode can include feeling low, sad, blue or depressed most of the day, nearly every day for at least 2 weeks. During the same time-period, someone who is depressed may have difficulty enjoying the things they used to enjoy.

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Symptoms of Depression

Someone in a depressive episode cannot just “snap out of it.” The person may feel guilty or worthless. Someone in a depressive episode may experience changes to their appetite and sleep. Some people eat more and gain weight, and others have no appetite. Some individuals have difficulty sleeping and others sleep too much having difficulty even getting out of bed.

Loss of energy is common in depression as well as trouble concentrating and making decisions. Individuals in a depressive episode often have thoughts of suicide or can make plans or take action to harm themselves. Those in a depressive episode may have difficulty functioning in their daily lives, going to work, taking care of their children, paying bills, and keeping things clean an orderly.

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Depression is not their fault. Depression is caused by an imbalance in certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Fortunately, depression can be treated. Cognitive Behavior Therapy can help individuals with depression to see the world and themselves differently. There are also many medications that can treat depression.

Depression Resources in San Antonio

If you know someone who is depressed, encourage them to see a professional, help is only a call away! For information on mental health resources in San Antonio and Bexar County please reach out to the Amber Lantern team.


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