Texas State Hospital Waitlists Hit Record Highs

The population of Texas has more than tripled since the 1960s, but in that same time frame the number of State Hospital beds have been cut down by a factor of five from nearly 15,000 in 1964 to just over 3,000 in 2016. This ballooning population and lack of capacity has resulting in an ever increasing waitlist for State Hospital admissions. Individuals with mental illness who get caught up in the justice system often have to spend 21 days or more in the general population at county jails before they can receive the attention that they need at a State Hospital. In addition to not having access to treatment during the wait these individuals can also be exposed to harsh treatment from fellow inmates, further hampering their recovery process.

You can read more about the ever growing State Hospital waitlist problem in this article by Michael Murney at the Dallas Observer.

How Amber Lantern and HCBS-AMH can help

Amber Lantern’s programs by their nature help to alleviate the shortage of beds in the Texas State Hospital System. Through the

Home and Community Based Care - Adult Mental Health (HCBS-AMH) program Amber Lantern can reduce caseloads at State Hospitals by providing an alternative care environment focused on long term recovery from Behavioral and Mental Health issues.

In addition to easing the burden on State Hospitals by providing a location for Social Workers to discharge patients, Amber Lantern helps to ease the burden on the system by reducing the number of individuals who end up back in the Judicial or State and local Hospital Systems. Our residents receive the safe, secure, stable housing and quality evidence-based

Information for Social Workers and other mental health professionals

If you are interested in learning more about Amber Lantern as a potential home for your patients or clients, please contact our team. We would be happy to provide you with details on our programs, current availability and admissions requirements. Amber Lantern is dedicated to partnering with other mental healthcare professionals and providers to form a more complete support ecosystem for people with behavioral health issues. in the greater Bexar County region. Let's work together to make a difference in the lives of our clients!


Christmas at Amber Lantern


Mental health in the news