Resident Feedback
Receiving and acting on feedback from residents is very important to us at Amber Lantern. With the COVID-19 pandemic taking a toll on all of us, listening to the people that we care for has never been more important.
Recently our staff received some very kind words from a resident who went out of her way thank them in a text message.
“The Amber Lantern Staff have been taking good care of me. I have a lot to be grateful for.”
Improving the lives of people living with serious mental illness in Bexar county is our core mission, so messages like this from our clients really keep us going.
Feedback Surveys
Of course not all feedback is going to be positive, but we still want to hear it. In an effort to continuously gauge how we are doing, and make improvements when needed, we have implemented an innovative survey system that helps us to constantly measure our progress.
Our survey kiosks use a simple four smily face system for clients to show how they are feeling. Everyone is invited to use the survey once a day and analytics are shared with our management team remotely and anonymously.
Want to Learn More?
Please contact Amber Lantern if you would like to learn more about our use of feedback collection, or our program as a whole!