Is residential treatment cost-effective?

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We know that residential treatment programs like the ones offered by Amber Lantern offer excellent opportunities for people living with severe mental illness to integrate with their communities while receiving the support that they need, but are they cost-effective compared to inpatient treatment and other alternatives? According to a study by the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, yes they can be.

This study compared the cost of inpatient mental health care at several hospitals to the cost of highly supportive housing in the Ontario area. It concluded that per patient costs were as much as $160 less at residential treatment communities. The study also found that highly supportive housing was responsible for many other positive outcomes including reductions in days spent homeless, and fewer hospital bed days.

Read the full study here

To learn more about the benefits of Amber Lantern’s residential treatment programs please contact our team.


Resident Openings October 2021


HCBS-AMH Client’s Journey